Saturday 4 May 2013

May the 4th be with you!

May already!! This year is going fast. After having my wonderful camera for my Birthday I have been out and about taking photos, not any of my jewellery yet but a few others

Monday 22 April 2013

YAY At last, can now add photos!! This is just a test but in future will be able to add my jewellery.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Well here we are, the weekend after my Birthday, another year older and maybe not wiser though.
Had a lovely camera for my Birthday from the kids and yesterday went out on the railway to try it out. the day could not have been better, the sun  shone all day with no clouds in sight and it was even quite hot! At last, spring may be here at last!!
Well once I work out how to get photos out of my camera to here I might actually be able to put photos of my Jewellery on here.
I also had a few books on wire jewellery making for my Birthday so have loads of ideas to try too.
Watch this space

Thursday 18 April 2013

Well so much for keeping up with this blog. Missed quite a few days!
Anyhow, yesterday was my Birthday and i turned another year older...gulp! Well anyway had a great day. the weather was c**p and was windy cold and rained so nothing could happen outside. Had a lazy day instead.
I had a lovely Camera from the kids. A Bridge camera no less, its fantastic. I can now download photos in style, OK my mobile takes goodish photos but not as great as my camera so I will be able to take my own shots of my Jewellery and not have to bug Charlie any more.  Can finally add more to my website now.
Paul has found out about some local craft fairs so might at least start selling my vast collection of jewellery instead of accumulating it. I just love making it though!
Have been making Tiaras and hairbands lately and haave also started going through some of my new beading books and learning new skills.

today though jewellery making will have to wait, I have to put everything back in my bedroom after clearing space for the BT man to fix the phone line. which is all fixed now and at last we can receive calls!! Its been lovely without the phone constantly ringing but at the same time its been annoying. Well all back to normal.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Didnt do much today. just made 3 butterfly pendants and turned one into a childs necklace. Spent the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself after twisting my back after tripping over the carpet! 
Saw my other daughter as she popped in to take her little sis out for a drive and she is taking me shopping tomorrow,

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Its 7pm now and been working all day, my hands need a rest now. Have made several necklaces again, a rather cute butterfly and a caged bead and S link one also made a simple chain with 18 gauge wire and some beads.
Off to figure out how to post pictures. After all this is why I started this Blog!

First Day

Wed 13th March.
My daughter missed the school bus again this morning and I had to take her in, grrr.  
Plan to finish some of the necklaces I started yesterday. I have some pictures on my phone and will post them here once I find out how to get them on my computer. Hmm yes I'm a bit slow when it comes to all things computer. I know more than my Husband though but have my own live in expert in the shape of my Son, so that's good.